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This article was originally featured on the Bridget's Cradles blog.

SUNDAY // He is risen! The stone was rolled away. The tomb is empty!

As much as I love celebrating the empty tomb, what is even more important than the empty tomb is the fact that real-life people (over 500 of them) actually saw the resurrected Jesus alive again on earth!

Because if it was just an empty tomb and we had to presume that Jesus defeated death, there would be skeptics. Was His body stolen? Did somebody move it? Where did He go?

But we don't have to place our entire faith on just an assumption. Everything rests on the fact that people actually saw Him again on earth, living and breathing. Resurrected and alive!

(Pictured: statue depiction of the empty tomb, near our daughter’s cemetery)

Who else in history has done this? Who else has overcome the grave? The resurrected Jesus is where all of our hope hinges. Easter Day is the foundation of our faith.

I know what you're thinking--even with Jesus appearing back on earth--there are still skeptics. Yes, yes there are. But I can't imagine why His disciples--those who saw Him again in the flesh after He had been dead--would risk their entire lives to simply share a lie?

They had seen Him crucified. Watched His dead body be lowered from the cross and put into a cave. And when they saw Him risen again three days later, they had no choice to believe He was who He said He was. He was the Messiah, the Son of God, the King of the World. And they were willing to die (many of them an awful death--crucified upside down or beheaded) to tell the world about Him.

So that is why I believe in Jesus. That is why all my hope rests in His holy name. That is why this Easter Sunday I can visit my daughter's grave with my family knowing that one day her grave will be as empty as His tomb. We will one day live together for all of eternity--thousands and thousands of years--in Heaven with Him in our resurrected bodies.

This is my greatest hope. This is YOUR greatest hope. Jesus died for me and He died for you. He died for all of our sins so that we could have HOPE and overcome death just like Him.

And this isn't some brainwashed, wishful thinking kind of hope. This is the bet-your-life-on, cling-with-all-your-might kind of hope. A hope that is secured in the real-life, really-did-happen Resurrection of Jesus. And when I take my last breath on this earth, I know I'll be eternally glad that I placed my faith in Him.

So if you have experienced pregnancy or infant loss, you can trust that you will see your precious baby again by believing in Him. And what a glorious day that will be when we are reunited. Thank You, Jesus!

Happy Easter!

((If you're placing your faith in Jesus for the first time today or you have questions about your faith, will you reach out to me? I would like to be praying for you! PS -- It's the best decision you will ever make))

Leave a comment below if this Easter Series made an impact on you! What does the hope of Jesus' resurrection mean to you? Share your baby's name below so we can be praying for you and rejoicing in the fact that we will see him or her in Heaven one day.

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