This article was originally featured on the Bridget's Cradles blog.
SATURDAY // The in-between. The messy middle. The time spent waiting and wondering. Grieving and healing. Jesus' body was placed inside a tomb covered by a heavy stone and guarded by Roman soldiers. His disciples went back and grieved their friend. I'm sure they wondered: Was He really who He said He was? Was He really God? Would He overcome death? What will happen next? What do we do now? Saturday was the day for questions - fears - doubts. It was the day to grieve. And this is where we find ourselves today - both you and me - in this messy middle waiting until Sunday comes and our hope is secured. When I came back from the hospital, I collapsed on the floor in Bridget's empty nursery. Curled up in the fetal position, I cried out to God: How could You let this happen to me? Why didn't You save her? How will I survive this? As I lay there weeping, I reflected on the fact that I knew God was good all the time. At the core of my being, I knew that I believed in Him. I knew He was my only hope to see my daughter again. No one else and nothing else could pacify my grief, let alone cure it for all of eternity. So if I was going to choose to believe that Jesus was my Savior, that He did indeed resurrect from the dead on Sunday, then I needed to live that way on my Saturday. From an eternal perspective, Saturday would represent the rest of my life on earth (until Jesus comes back or until I meet Him in Heaven). And that moment, I surrendered everything to Him. I chose to trust Him with my Saturday, and that decision has changed my life forever. It is the reason Bridget's Cradles exists today. It is the reason that I am all-in for this ministry and His mission to comfort the brokenhearted. So on this Saturday, I am in the in-between. The sacred space between Heaven and earth. I stand at my daughter's grave, missing her with all my being and longing for the day that I will see her again. But I know Sunday is coming; therefore, though I grieve, I do not grieve without hope. Have you ever felt like you're in the messy middle of life? Are you there now? Leave a comment below and share a little bit about living in this in-between place. What does it look like for you to live on Saturday but hope for the Sunday that is coming? CONTINUED...EASTER SERIES // SUNDAY PREVIOUS POST...EASTER SERIES // FRIDAY
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